CFS, Corp.

CFS, Corp.
Our Mission. Our Vision. Our Values.
Mission Statement
Improving quality of life for disenfranchised communities using prevention driven education, advocacy, and assistance.
Vision Statement
Our culture will be defined by equitable, ethical, and effective performance. Within this context, CFS, Corp. will uphold its longstanding reputation for high quality service delivery to minoritized populations. Service portfolios will be expected to adapt to in-real-time community needs without diverting from evidence-based practice, participatory voice inclusion, and equitable distribution. As environment of need extend beyond the individual into universal systems, CFS, Corp. will work with partners, communities, and policymakers to identify just solutions to social distress. Through a multileveled organizational process, CFS, Corp.'s leadership team will guide its employee core to drive incremental social change. In accumulation, the work is designed to deliver universally impactful repair for individuals, families, communities, governments, and humanity.
Core Values
Authenticity - leadership genuinely dedicated to improving the architecture of social service
Expertise - adherence to current, proven methodologies in all disciplines
Innovation - pledged pursuit of radically superior practices to produce utility with value
Equity - unconditional access to opportunities for advancement of vulnerable populations and systems
Justice - unwavering commitment to combatting structural forces that perpetuate harm
Health - as a human right for individuals, families, communities, and organizations

CFS, Corp. offers many different training services to educate our community and it's therapists on how to build a better future.
Explore our coalitions for change across the state. Support our mission of educating, advocating for, and assisting vulnerable children and families in Indiana.
Learn the facts about overdose and stand up to the stigma of mental health and substance abuse.